Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sad, Sad, Sad Haylie!

I don't know about the rest of you but for our family, we have been nothing but sick, sick, sick, this whole winter and we are all a bit GRUMPY and "sick" of it! This picture is SO SAD and I understand it completely! My kids are "sick" and tired of being home with me ALL DAY and trust me when I say the feeling is MUTUAL! Maddie has missed the most days of school this year at a whopping 31 days! Haylie is next in line at 26 days and Saydie and Brayden are right there close to that! So it's understandable that Haylie had had ENOUGH on this particular morning! She just wanted to got to school So Bad! She really tried to convince me that she was ready even though she had been up until 3:00A.M. the night before with a high fever, and coughing So Hard that she puked! She was quite determined to go to school and it was pretty impressive how persuasive she could be with those huge brown puppy dog eyes and great big tears! She wasn't very impressed at all when I pulled out the camera and started taking pictures of her in her moment of sorrow!LOL! I thought it was hilarious though :-) She should be an attorney when she grows up because she can get just about anything with those eyes of hers! I did win the battle in the end! She may have cute eyes and tactics but I have had to learn fast not to melt seeing as how Erick gave the puppy dog eyes to all four of them to use to get there way! LOL Don't tell her you saw this picture or I will get into a whole lot of trouble! She would not be impressed if she knew it was on here but I couldn't resist! She is so blasted cute!


Brianne said...

Ooohh that is a very sad picture and all of your kids most definitely do have the puppy dog eyes. I don't know how you say "no" to them EVER!

My Sister's Tricks said...

Welcome back Amber!! I can't believe how sick your kiddos have been :( but it sure puts a smile on my face when i see photos of your cute kiddos....sick or not! Love ya!