Thursday, March 17, 2011


My Mother-in-Law is super great! She is always sending me fun things that she sows! She makes all kinds of stuff for me and my kiddos from baby doll clothes, night gowns for my girls and cute purses to church bags,  washcloths and pot pinchers (as pictured below) for me! When I got these particular pot pinchers I showed them to my girls and we all oohed and awed at how stinkin' cute they are! I then put them in the hot pad drawer and left them there unless I was using them! Saydie must have been as inspired by them as I was because she came running into my room one day when I was having a particularly bad day and a friend had stopped by and surprised me with a 9x13 pan of lasagna that just needed to be cooked. She had one on each hand and was saying "mom I got the food out of the oven for you and I didn't even get burned"! It scared me SO BAD that I couldn't even see how cute it was and went straight into a scared mom lecture on the dangers of the oven and remembering the rules she has been taught! All I could think of was how very lucky we were that she didn't drop it or spill it or fall in the oven and get burned badly! I am telling you that pan was too heavy for such a small little 5 year old! She could easily have toppled into the oven! Then my heart fell as I realized that she was crushed and hurt. She had just conquered a VERY BIG and VERY HEAVY task without even being asked and now she was in trouble!:-) It made absolutely no sense to her that I would be upset when she had been so helpful! As her big tears began to fall and she still had a cute pot pincher on each hand my heart broke too. SHE WAS SO CUTE and SO INNOCENT! Love her SO MUCH! SO DANGEROUS? or SO CUTE? You decide but in the end I think you will agree it was both!!!!

1 comment:

Brianne said...

I vote scary. Too scary for me. I am so nervous with my kids around the oven. However, it is pretty cute if you can get over how scary it is. Those are super cute pot holders.